
AiLemon blog website has changed domain to

Recently, ailemon blogger has changed this blog website’s domain name from to, which is a new beggining to writting. The domain name is registered in 2017 when I am a newcomer to computer science and technology although the first blog post is written in Chinese. An English blog website built by my owns is a platform for you and me to communicate with all the world.

Please remember this new domain name, and this website’s URL I am looking forward to your communication, good luck!


ailemon blog went through the second year

With the coming of the new year, we were older than before. The AI​​Lemon blog, accompanied by everyone and me, passed the second year. In new year, I also become a student who is about to graduate. Like everyone else, from the beginning of school, with a dream of future, to a person who has learned some knowledge, has expertise in technology, and has insights into society. Looking back on the past year, look at our progress of the past year, the knowledge we have learned, the things we have done, we will know whether we are satisfied with our performance during this time.


My First post for this blog website

This is my first English blog post. I have been writing Chinese blogs before. I am AiLemon, a technology enthusiast, mainly engaged in machine learning and related fields of study and research. I want to communicate and share with technology enthusiasts from all over the world through my personal blog. I hope my blog will grow with me.